Korea Alcohol Industrial, the nation’s leading chemical manufacturer
We commit to becoming a company that continuously
grows for a convenient and happy world.

One and Only
Korea Alcohol Industrial is the nation’s only manufacturer of industrial
ethanol, ethyl acetate, and butyl acetate. Thanks to the superior product
quality and ceaseless R&D activity, the KAI is maintaining a high level
of competitiveness even among low-cost imported product counterparts.

Electronic Materials
Based on accumulated expertise and technological know-how,
Korea Alcohol Industrial has entered the fine chemical materials market
for semiconductors and LCD such as electronic grade normal butyl acetate,
electronic grade absolute ethanol, and color pastes.
We will contribute to making a convenient and happy world through
production of high-purity, high-quality products.

Grow UP
Rather than being content with a stable business structure,
Korea Alcohol Industrial puts efforts into diversifying its product groups
through abundant investments into R&D. We expand our areas
of business into not only ethanol and chemical products,
but electronic materials as well.
- Company name Korea Alcohol Industrial
- CEO Chi Yong-seok, 김정수, 유정림
- Founded September 1984
- Major businesses Ethanol and petrochemical product manufacturing
- Capital 10.8 billion KRW
- Headquarters Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
- Office / Plant Sanggae-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan

Completed refined ethanol facility

Completed CP production facility

Relocated headquarters

Expanded ethyl acetate factory
Expanded ethyl acetate factory
Declared New VISION
Declared New CI
Relocated to new building (Giheung)
Acquired OHSAS 18001
Expanded absolute ethanol factory
Took over business operations of International Ester
Completed Color Paste factory
Acquired ISO 9001 / 14001
Completed electronic grade normal butyl acetate factory
Completed ethyl amine factory
Expanded normal butyl acetate factory
Expanded absolute ethanol factory
Established International Ester as a joint venture corporation
Listed on KOSDAQ
Completed ethyl acetate factory
Completed absolute ethanol factory
Completed refined ethanol factory
Founded Korea Alcohol Industrial